Sunday, June 23, 2013

Jeanne Marklin Accepted into "Fabulous Fabric and Fiber" (New Marlborough, MA)

Congratulations to SAQA artist Jeanne Marklin, who had 3 pieces accepted into the Fabulous Fabric and Fiber show in New Marlborough. Jeanne is excited to be a part of a local exhibit and to meet more artists from the Berkshires. The show includes art quilts as well as works of furniture, baskets, hooked rugs and clothing. 


"One of the outstanding artists in this exhibit, Jeanne Marklin, of Williamstown, has shown her quilts in several prestigious shows including The Taiwan International Quilt Exhibit, Visions Art Museum,
 San Diego, the Arc Gallery in Chicago, and venues in South Africa, Oberlin, Ohio, and Williams College…Through her quilts 
she expresses events and questions about life, as well as the color
surprises of the visual world." 
-- Elizabeth Lombardi, Gallery Director
The New Marlborough Village Association blog

Participating artists include: Joanne Kelly Catos, Wendy
Jensen, Teresa Bills, Maggie Brigham, Susan Delmolino Ives,
 Pam Johnson, Mary Kote Jordan, Elsa Karr, Jeanne Marklin, Barbara
 Mulholland, Valerye Zerra, Bill Kane, and Liz Marino

The gallery is open on Friday, Saturday and Sundays from 11-4. The exhibit closes on July 7, at 4 pm.

New Marlborough Village Meeting House Gallery
154 Hartsville-New Marlborough Road
New Marlborough, MA 01230-2159




Quilt National '21 is Coming to Connecticut

Congratulations to Catherine Whall Smith , whose quilt "Transfusion in Two Parts" will be on tour with Quilt National '21.  Th...