Attention Quilters and Fiber Artists of Connecticut:
You are invited to participate in the 16th Annual Quilt and Needle Arts Show, located in America's oldest Federal Meetinghouse, built in 1794 by architect Lavius Filmore.

When decorated with vibrant quilts and needlework, the church is transformed into a spectacular showcase and an inspiration to those of us who appreciate fine handwork. Please submit an exhibitor form to display your quilt, cross-stitch, needlepoint, hooked rugs, knitting or crochet work.
Exhibitor Forms are DUE SEPTEMBER 15th, 2011
Click here for a Copy of the exhibitor form
If your submission is for sale, please indicate your asking price on the application form. First Church reserves the right to collect a 20% commission for handling the sale.
Submissions are due at the church on Friday, October 7, between 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. and can be picked up immediately after the show (between 5:00 and 7:00 p.m.) on Sunday, October 9.
Vendors will be selling quilt and needle arts related items. The raffle quilt, “Sedona through the pines” will be on display and the winning ticket will be drawn on Sunday afternoon at 4:00 p.m. Homemade soups, chili, desserts and refreshments will be available in the cafĂ©.
Vendors and advertisers can find information and a form here
Please be assured that your submission will be cared for by members of First Church. (Volunteers will be sleeping in the church on Friday and Saturday nights just to keep an eye on everything!)
Show hours: 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM Saturday, October 8th and
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM Sunday, October 9th
Admission: $5.00 (Exhibitors are admitted free of charge)
The First Church of Christ Congregational is located at 499 Town St. (Route 151), East Haddam, CT.
Click here to Visit the church website
For more information contact Holly Coleman at 860-873-8567 or email