A Message from SAQA-CT Reps Catherine Smith and Barb Adams:

October 5, 2013
This SAQA CT meeting was held at Wildwood Farm in Madison, home to artist Laura Lyons. We toured Laura’s enormous studio after our morning business meeting, members “Show & Tell”, and Lunch which included a another of those delicious Motta cakes – dedicated to Diane Wright – and some pretty amazing cookies made by our newest member Alice Chittenden . Laura shared her techniques and expertise in producing woven and felted artwork. We were all inspired by her enthusiasm and creativity.

The exhibit of “Local Color” at the Slater Museum in Norwich will be installed on Tuesday, November 19, 2013. Volunteers are asked to confirm their attendance with Barbara McKie (email: mckieart@comcast.net) so that the museum’s security service will let you in with no fee. Volunteers are advised to bring a brown bag lunch and a Phillips head screw driver.
“Local Color” will hang at the Slater from Nov 22 through January 14, 2014. The Opening Reception will be on Sunday, December 8 from 2:00 – 4:00. There will be a SAQA CT meeting prior to the reception at 1:00. The exhibit will be taken down on January 15.
The last scheduled venue for the exhibit is the Guilford Art Center February 7 through March 16, 2014. The group Sisters in Cloth will host the opening reception on Friday, Feb 8 from 5:00 – 7:00. Because there are no more scheduled exhibitions of this collection work will be returned to artists in March. We are exploring holding a meeting around this time; artists could pick up their work and save the shipping costs.
SAQACT Artists who submitted an entry into “Local Color” (whether it was accepted into the final show OR NOT) are encouraged to submit a fiber art piece (up to 10”) for exhibit and sale at the Slater Museum. There is a glass display case to fill. Thirty per cent of the sale price will go to the Museum. Items should go to Diane Wright by Nov. 15. Any unsold items remaining in January will be taken to the Guilford Art Center for sale in their shop where the GAC commission is 40%.
Kate Themel’s continuing work maintaining our Regional Chapter blog is enormously appreciated. She reminded members to send her their news of exhibits so that it can be added to the blog. Send your news and updates to saqact @ gmail.com
The entire group extended to Diane Wright many, many thanks for her work as Co-Regional Representative. Diane is stepping down, and Barbara Coleman Adams will join Catherine Whall Smith as co-rep. Diane’s leadership and inspiration will continue to be an integral part of our region’s activities. Cathy presented Diane with a gift inspired by the presence of crows in many of her pieces: a life-like crow hand puppet.
NEW COMMITTEE – Fundraising
Members were asked to volunteer for a committee to explore ways of raising money for our chapter. These funds would be used for speakers, workshops, etc. Three members stepped up: Carol Eaton, Jennifer O’Brien and Kendell Storm. Everyone is encouraged to share ideas with them.
The SAQA 25th Anniversary Conference, “Capitalizing on Fiber,” will be held in Alexandria, VA May 1-4, 2014.

Carol Eaton (who has already booked a room) is looking for a roommate for the conference. Please contact Carol carolreaton@comcast.net for details about room cost and length of stay. Remember - Registration is limited to 200 and is filling fast. Rooms at the host hotel are also going quickly, but there are many additional hotels in the area. Registration in on-line through SAQA.com and there is a $50 reduction in fees if you register by October 31.
The new SAQA website is up and running. The goals of the redesign included making it easier to navigate and showing more art. Members are encouraged to explore this resource. Note: if you are having trouble with the site (blurry) try the refresh button while holding shift on your computer.
At the SAQA website you can also get more information about the new level of SAQA membership. There are now three levels of membership: Supporting Member (formerly Active Member and discussions are ongoing on which title to use), Arts Professional (a new category), and Studio Artist Member (formerly Professional Artist Member). Please check the website for more details on the benefits of each level of membership.
The Windham Textile and History Museum will host a quilt exhibit in May, 2014, which will exhibit together a dozen of the antique quilts from their collection with modern interpretations of the quilt done by invited artists. SAQA CT members are all urged to contact Cathy Smith smith.catherine62@gmail.com if you plan to submit a 10 ½” square for this spool-inspired quilt.
Quilt block information is on the SAQACT blog. Squares can be mailed to Cathy Smith at P. O. Box 303 Chaplin, CT 06235-0303 or drop them off on Sunday, December 8th at the SAQACT meeting before the opening of “Local Color” Twenty-five of the squares will be put together in a quilt by Pat Ferguson; this quilt will then be added to the permanent collection of the Museum. Our SAQACT Regional meeting scheduled for Saturday, May 24th, 2014 will be at the Windham Textile and History Museum in Willimantic, CT.

If you were not able to attend the meeting, unfortunately you missed Alice Chittendon's delicious cookies! But you can enjoy them at home, if you like. Here's the recipe:
2 cups sugar
3/4 cup vegetable oil
3/4 cup cocoa
4 eggs
2 tsp. vanilla (may substitute peppermint extract for a holiday cookie)
2 1/3 cups flour
2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
powdered sugar
In a large mixer bowl, stir together sugar and oil; add cocoa, blending well. Beat in eggs and vanilla. In separate bowl, stir together flour, baking powder and salt; add to the cocoa mixture, blending well. Cover; refrigerate at least six hours. Heat oven to 350 degrees. Shape dough into 1" balls; roll in confectioner's sugar. Place 2" apart on greased cookie sheet ( I prefer to use parchment paper instead of additional fat). Bake 12-14 minutes or until almost no indentation remains when touched. Remove from cookie sheet to wire rack. Cool completely.
Oh, yes - this recipe doubles very nicely.
Alice Chittendon