This past Wednesday, SAQA-CT volunteers met at the Legislative Office Building to take down the "Local Color" exhibit. Just like at the previous venue, we received many compliments and positive feedback about the work.
The exhibition was hung on two walls down a long hallway. Hundreds of employees and visitors pass through this corridor every day. As we were packing up the quilts, several people said they wished we could leave them up longer.
Venue captain Diane Cadrain checked and cataloged each piece of artwork before transferring them to curator Diane Wright. Wright has generously offered to store the quilts at her home until the next show – opening Dec 8, 2013 at the Slater Memorial Museum in Norwich.
If you missed the chance to see it in Hartford, here are some photos taken during the exhibition (photos by Diane Wright):
Phyllis Small helps out during the show's installation. On the wall, "Blowin' Glass by J.Marklin, "Weekend Walks with Sharon" by C.Eaton and "Red Fern" by B.Drillick

Volunteers adjust the height and spacing of the quilts. Seen here: L.Zimmerman's "From One CT Artist to another", "Uno, Dos, Tres" by M.Weinberg, "Town Green" by D.Wright, "Once" by J.Driscoll.

"Seaside Garden of Beauties" by C.Ludington, "Jellyfish in July" by C.Vinick, "Blood Iris" by K.Themel, "Aerial View" by M.Lachman

The "Hartford Colt Dome" series, by D.Wright, G.Kotowski, B.Adams, L.Zimmerman, Y.Howard and R.Wolek. To the right of the Colt quilts, "Heating up the Hay" by C.Smith, "Tomorrow May Be Too Late" by R.Olson and "From One CT Artist to Another" by L.Zimmerman

From left: a piece by juror Fran Phillips, "Beach Houses" by M.Lawler and "Woodland Visitors" by B.McKie

"Lottie the Lobster" by C.Blais, "No Sheep" by D.Bein, "Science Center" by K.Themel, "Barnum" by D.Abbotts and the Colt series on far right

"Bundled Up" by K.Themel, "Cabbages and Kings" by N.Schlager, "The Path" by E.Warner and "Local Color of CT" by P.Ferguson

"Metropolis" by G.Kotowski, "Storm Tossed Memories" by R.Hannifin, "Happy Elephants" by M.Phillips and "Public Transportation" by C.Smith

"Reflection" by R.Spann, "Winter Marsh" by B.Adams, "Marsh with Cranes" by T.Hodge, "American Chad" by C.Blais and "Bubbles in my Garden" by T.Bronson
Thank you to all the artists and volunteers who have made our first Regional Exhibition such a success!
Mark your calendars: December 8, 2013 – January 14, 2014
Two shows for the price of one! "SAQA-CT: Local Color" will join "Fiber Revolution: Diversity" at the Slater Memorial Museum in Norwich, CT. Opening Reception Sunday, Dec 8, 2 – 4pm