On October 29, 2012 the Northeast coast of the United States was hit with a devastating hurricane. Many residents of Connecticut were forced to evacuate their
homes, and returned to find severe wind and water damage. New Jersey and New York suffered flooding, power outages and fires that wiped out whole neighborhoods.
Landing on the most densely populated area of the United States, Hurricane Sandy left thousands of people homeless.
Luana Rubin, owner of eQuilter.com, decided to help. Securing warehouse space from Timeless Treasures, Luana put out a call to collect quilts and bedding for those in need.
And a group of artists in Connecticut answered the call. The members of Sisters in Cloth organized a quilt drive they named "reCOVERy”.
At our recent regional meeting, members of SAQA-CT donated quilts, bedding and money for the cause. This week, Diane Wright sent a message to Luana Rubin at eQuilter (excerpt):
“We are shipping off tomorrow seven boxes of donated quilts and other bedding from members of SAQA/CT: about 200 pounds of warmth. They include 5 sets of flannel sheets, 10 crib/lap quilts, 16 twin quilts and 5 full/double quilts. Then, FEDEX generously offered to ship our seven boxes for free!!
We used our shipping funds to purchase more from Bed Bath and Beyond…and with free shipping, another twin and two doubles should be arriving soon.
Thank you for spearheading this. It has helped us feel like we could help.”
THANK YOU, members of SAQA-CT, for your generosity! And FedEx, for helping a worthy cause and getting these donations quickly to those who need it. And of course, thanks to everyone at eQuilter and Timeless Treasures for providing a pathway to help people in need.
Happy Holidays, everyone!