Friday, February 4, 2011

Linda Zimmerman Talks About Art Quilts with “Jungle Red Writers”

Recently SAQA-CT fiber artist Linda Zimmerman was interviewed by Roberta Isleib of Jungle Red, a salon of mystery writers.  The two women talked about career changes, inspiration, the creative process and stumbling blocks shared by artists, whether the medium is fabric or the written word. 

Here’s an excerpt from Roberta’s in-depth article:

ROBERTA: When I was whining on facebook a few weeks ago about being stuck in the middle of my book, I was struck by your comment about how similar your process is. Tell us about that.

LINDA: My response to Roberta was this: "I don't know anything about
writing a book but when I am creating a quilted piece, I ALWAYS get to a point when I don't like the way the piece looks... BUT the majority of the time I love the final piece.
When I am at the questioning point, I put the piece back on the design wall, look at it again in a day or two, or a month or two, and I am much happier. So keep writing, you know it's good. Go bake a pie."

Get to know more about Linda and the stories behind some of her beautiful art quilts.  Read the entire article on Jungle Red Writers blog:

Quilt National '21 is Coming to Connecticut

Congratulations to Catherine Whall Smith , whose quilt "Transfusion in Two Parts" will be on tour with Quilt National '21.  Th...