Friday, July 1, 2011

Vivika DeNegre Announces New Blog and Invitation to Join “The Prayer Flag Project”

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A message from SAQA-CT artist Vivika DeNegre":

I am pleased to announce the formation of a new blog and online presence to document "The Prayer Flag Project" which was introduced on the SAQA group message board a few weeks ago.  As of July 1, more than 40 artists from four different countries have contacted me to be a part of this online exhibition of prayer flags, and I have begun to post the results to the new blog

The ultimate goal of the project is to engage the public while promoting the spread of Peace, Happiness, Good Will, and kindness though art in our collective communities.

Today's post is from the prolific Jane LaFazio, whose first flag was a prayer for fellow fiber artist Melly Testa as she underwent surgery for breast cancer.  You will recognize the beautiful artistry and touching stories and prayers from many of the artists who have pledged participation.   I plan to post new flags as they are submitted, and have artwork from 10 additional artists whose flags will be posted over the next two weeks. 

I have attached 3 photos (some of my flags, Jane LaFazio's, and Nina Lisa Moen's)

Please visit the site and join your flags to ours.  On the blog you will find easy instructions of how to join, information about submission, a mini tutorial, and a growing list of participants whose flags have been posted.  Please join us in this spiritual and artistic journey.  I look forward to hearing from many more SAQA members.

Pray on,

Vivika Hansen DeNegre

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