New features have been added to this blog, keeping you informed about opportunities to see and exhibit Art Quilts in Connecticut and around the New England/Metro NY area.
At the top of the page you’ll notice 3 tabs. (“Home” brings you here, to the latest blog postings.) Click on “Calendar” to see a calendar of quilting and fiber art events in CT and New England. “Calls for Entries” is a running list of fiber-friendly art shows & exhibitions in the New England/NY area which you may be eligible to enter.
Feel free to use the comments section to submit an addition to the list, provided it is quilting/fiber art related and located in the Northeastern USA. Make sure to include the title of the event, location, relevant start/end dates, times and contact information. Let’s keep each other up to date so we can support our fellow artists and take advantage of all Connecticut has to offer!