Friday, January 10, 2020

SAQA-CT MEETING - January 11, 2020

Come one and all to the SAQA-CT meeting this Saturday in Watertown!

All meetings are open and free to friends of fabric and stitch.

Meeting from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
We will be having a sharing table (clean out your studio) of freebies. Members can also bring a small table to set up their own art to sell.
As always there will be show and tell.
Bring your lunch!

The Princeton Center East
Siemon Business Park
76 Westbury Park Rd
2nd floor
Watertown, CT 06795

Quilt National '21 is Coming to Connecticut

Congratulations to Catherine Whall Smith , whose quilt "Transfusion in Two Parts" will be on tour with Quilt National '21.  Th...