During our SAQA-CT regional meeting on January 17, Rosalind (Roz) Spann introduced nine members of Connecticut Fiber Arts Collective (CTFAC) and gave the background story behind their latest exhibition honoring Romare Bearden.
Each CTFAC member spoke about how they became interested in fiber art and how their involvement with this dynamic group has influenced them as artists. The tenth member of CTFAC, Wanda Seldon, arrived later.
After the SAQA meeting, members and guests were invited to go upstairs for the opening of "Art, History and Social Activism: CTFAC Honors Romare Bearden".
Thanks to library staff like Jeffrey Mainville, Program and Events Manager, visitors were treated to an informative, inspiring and well attended event including a reading by famed poet Kate Rushin.
Check out this YouTube Video to learn more about the show: http://youtu.be/_re-VYGtmS4
Part of the large and diverse collection was hung along the hallway while other pieces were displayed on shelves in glass cases. (Image below) Linda Martin posed in front of her portrait of Martin Luther King Jr. during the installation of the show.
On opening day, it was difficult to get photos of the display because of the crowd of admirers!
Visitors were invited to gather in the History Center to learn more about this exhibit. Brenda Miller, Chief Cultural Affairs and Public Programming Officer for the Hartford Public Library, introduced the show and gave a brief bio of Romare Bearden, while Roz Spann spoke on behalf of the CTFAC artists.
The exhibition was inspired by artist Romare Bearden who became active in the Harlem Arts Guild during the 1930's. Bearden was a prolific artist who worked in New York City as a social worker devoting nights and weekends to his art. Over his lifetime Bearden experimented with many mediums and is best known for his textured collages. The Collective paid homage to Bearden's commitment to civil rights and his contributions to the jazz and art communities.
(Image: All the artists of CTFAC pose together at the Opening – Christina Blais, Mary Lachman, Karen Loprete, Wanda Seldon, Carol Vinick, guest poet Kate Rushin, Toni Torres, Linda Martin, Carol R Eaton and Roz Spann)
(Image: SAQA members Roz Spann, Barbara C. Adams, Kate Themel, Toni Torres and Carol R Eaton pose with a portrait of Romare Bearden made by R.Spann and T.Torres)
The "Art, History and Social Activism: CTFAC Honors Romare Bearden" exhibition will be on display at the Library from December 17, 2014 – March 13, 2015.
Hartford Public Library
500 Main Street
Hartford, CT 06103