The online SAQA 2012 Benefit Auction will begin on Monday, September 10th at 2:00 PM Eastern Time and conclude on Sunday, September 30 at 2:00 PM Eastern.
Last year's Benefit Auction raised $52,925. The funds raised through the Auction are critical to supporting SAQA's exhibitions, catalogs and outreach programs.
How the Online Auction works: The Auction is run in three sections (Section 1 - Pages 1a and 1b; Section 2 - Pages 2a and 2b; Section 3 - Pages 3a and 3b).
On the first day of each section's auction, the price for each piece in that section is $750.
The next day (at 2:00 Eastern), the price drops to $550.
The third day, it drops to $350, then $250, then $150, and finally $75.
The first section will begin September 10th at 2:00 PM Eastern.
The second section will begin September 17th at 2:00 PM Eastern.
The third section will begin September 24th at 2:00 PM Eastern.
(images, from top: artwork by Mary Pal, Jenny Williams, Susan Shie and Elaine Quehl)
Check out this year’s beautiful quilts and pick your favorite!